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Monday, August 23, 2010

Saying NO to people

I never say never. That was me mean while ago. So what happened now? Have I started saying no to people. And what saying yes or no has to do in people’s life.
                                There was a time when I could manage time for everything, especially friends. It was not that difficult to manage and mingle with everyone. Now time has changed for me and so changed the priorities.
                Two week back one of my friend requested me to meet her. She needed me in her newly joined job. When she asked me I said yes without giving any second thought. In the first meeting I got late and it never happened. Then for some days owing to my tight schedule I couldn’t make it. That was enough to piss her off. And after some day she called me and told me that I am irresponsible and of no use. And I believe we are through now.
                                I could have turned the situation by turning down her request. Rather than appearing irresponsible and uncaring, I would have ended up being pragmatic and little bit of busy. It is not my problem only, but is the problem of many people. There are many people who find it hard to no.
                                What ever be the reason they only end up burdening themselves. Some of us don’t want to appear selfish, by putting our personal requirement in priorities. Some fear losing the friend by turning their request down.
                          So what is the solution for this? It s really hard to say no so one should rather than saying no directly, could dodge the situation. We could ask for some time to ponder over the proposal and see if we could meet with the proposal. Or could say, I appreciate you that you think of me worth this stuff but I am a bit busy. All these things will show that you can do these things and your willingness to do, but you don’t actually have enough time to meet these commitments.  At least these things will save us from the embarrassment of not making it to the promise.

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