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Monday, August 16, 2010

Marriages are made in Heaven

Marriages are made in heaven--and elsewhere 

                                              To one of my married friend I asked what is wife dear xy.To which he replied to me that wife is a creature who will nag you daily to change your habits . And then after some years will say you are not the same person I loved. She gets glad after getting a treat of 800 Rs per head in an opulent restaurant but gets inner satisfaction only after getting 80 Rs/kg at the rate of 75 Rs/Kg from sabziwala (VEGETABLE VENDOR).She would eat biryani in kitty party at the same time makes kichaddi with others. He wanted to be his servant rather than his husband. According to him the only person she talks very affectionately is their servant. `` Will you come yesterday, don’t get late, you hadn’t came yesterday I missed you”, all these lovely comments are for servant here only.

I asked him how do manage then. He replied to which I do not manage anything she is the manager of the house. My work there is to only pass the bill. But when I get discouraged I watch my wedding video. Why yaar the same wedding why you want to watch which is getting on your nerve. My dear buddy replied; oh buddy what I wanted to say I watch that video from end to beginning. ‘What are you mad’, I asked. You watch video from end too beginning. You watch video in reverse mode. Are you insane? Or something goes wrong with your mind. He-No buddy, I love that video only when I watch it in reverse. When the video is in reverse I took her mangle sutra off her neck, we reverse the phere (circle), the Pundit opens the knot me and my friends jumping and dancing run back slowly. What a lovely scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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