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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Independence Day

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Happy Independence Day to all dear Indians and rest of the world. We all know that this day our beloved country got free. When I was small kid Independence Day was about holiday and free sweets. When in college it was about hanging out with girl friends in the name of Independence Day. I don’t want to recall those hey days of course of mine.
                Whatever I am very happy as today after very long time I got up early. And then I rushed for running, no I was least interested in Mr. Singh tirade. How could same boring speech every time whenever they give live performance. Plus this is India here people are least interested in speech; rather they adore action and execution. Plus we have too many occasions here to lesson to their speech. Our politicians are very smart and took advantage of every occasion to bore public with their same banal speech.
                                Any ways I am happy that we got independence in this day. I am free citizen of free India. I have right to vote, choose my government and express my opinion freely, with some limitation. I could wander anywhere in my country as I am safe here with some limitation.
                                So friends Happy Independence Day.................

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