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Friday, July 23, 2010

Why change ?

Mediocrity asked me to accept the life as it is exception is I toiled and changed it.
Every time I deal with new happening around me. Weather its situation or person they always seem to be reluctant to my endeavor. It seems everything around me is merely chess piece & for every moment they require me.
Friends always tell me what I am doing could be improved. To put it succinctly what I am doing is against their rule. But you never learn by what they put, you only get influenced. And if I am asked i will say there interference is not required for taking any decision. To learn you got to feel the rhythm. Life has taught me to always stand by truth. However if someone deny it, try earnestly to change that opinion rather than changing yours. The negotiation might hurt both person’s opinion. As both will try to bring each other around the idea embedded in their mind. But the effort is imperative given that what is truth is truth. And when you do that nothing is as satisfying as breaking that Mediocrity.

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