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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mosquitoes atyachar Again

mosquito in meditation

They pray above you when you sleep cosily in night,chant perplexing shaloks (words) and hover around you, not because they are religious(or they),but they test their stamina and endurance of pray .Army after army,troops after troops come to invade you.Several chemicals are made to overcome it,but all succumb before them and the army multiplies.
                                   Rich kya poor kya,bacche kya buddhe kya,mard kya aurat kya ye kisi ko nahi chodhate(just like our beloved gabber singh).Pets of man are tortured by them as if they know friend of enemy is enemy. Last night i had hard time tackling these pesky super mini creatures.Allout was on,coil was on and I was also on, all fighting extra hard(is that called spirit?) .However in the morning I have found some mosquitoes toiling.I sprayed hit in the room and even in the hot after noon they were chasing me graciously. I guess the recent budget and price rise has forced them to work extra hard and perform part time.But enough is enough.I am now seeking revenge against the most useless creature in entire universe.Of course useless,they do nothing except biting and spread maladies.Malaria,dengue,yellow fever are the gift package they come with.
                                                              World health organization reports that malaria infects 300 to 500 people every year in South America,South east Asia and India.Coming to killing them,people will consider me sadist.But these tiny creatures has trained me over time to hate them.

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